Why our advisory services rock!

Hello from Foster Chapman

When we talk about the ethos of Foster Chapman being a “a new way for accountancy”, that is not just warm words. We genuinely believe successful accountants in the future will provide the kind of strategic support and direction which we set up this practice to achieve.

In many ways, when we work with a business we see ourselves as taking on a Non-Executive Director role with them. Not literally, because there are processes for that, but in spirit. We are your NED when we work with you – a supportive and analytical colleague whose first task is to provide accountancy services but whose ambition and remit goes way beyond this.

Simply thinking that accountancy is about ‘doing the numbers’ is wrong in this day and age. Frankly, the advent of self-service accounting has, for many people, lifted the lid on the ease of some of the processes which in the past were shrouded in mystery.

So, as firms wise up to the fact that accountancy can, in reality, be something of a process, now is the time for a new way of thinking to come to the fore. This is our passion in this field – we are genuinely excited to be launching Foster Chapman at such an opportune time.

Our first point of difference, we believe, is our versatile career backgrounds. We bring expertise from various sectors such as hospitality, public relations, corporate liaisons and law. Our experience has allowed us to see a wide range of businesses from the inside and to appreciate there is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to providing accountancy services.

Those we work with will experience this in our approach. Our method is to analyse and understand your business deeply before engaging strategically. That way the solutions we can work on together become much more than offering accountancy services. Yes, they will provide a framework to make accounting an easy, stress-free process. But they will also be a platform for growth and development.

Areas like compliance, deadlines, statutory accounts, payroll, HR and tax law can seem daunting. And, frankly, boring. We agree! But they need to be taken care of efficiently and promptly because only then we can move onto the fun stuff – growth.

Our experience with many businesses and entrepreneurs is that so much opportunity is being missed because executives have become bogged down in detail, or been ill-advised on their strategy and accountancy processes.

Foster Chapman is our way of redressing the balance. It’s a genuinely exciting and hopeful time for us and we look forward to engaging with so many new people along this joint journey.

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